TEPA Newsletter – October/November 2017

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Have You Seen It?

Amidst the hustle and bustle of clearing customs and immigration, grabbing your bags and heading home, hotel or even the nearest bar. STOP! Breathe! You’ve made it! Here’s an idea; how about Something old! Something New! Something Borrowed! Something Blue! No I’m not proposing… Read More...[/column]

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Look Out Music World!

Things are looking up in the World of Music for Saint Lucian Artistes. To match the continued and new interest in our music TEPA has launched a Music Website, the island’s first ever online marketing platform for Saint Lucian Music. This TEPA initiative is an important result coming out of recommendations… Read More…[/column]

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Business Month 2017

The third annual Business Month runs throughout November 2017 under the theme “Promoting an Entrepreneurial Culture – Creativity and Innovation”. It is often said that entrepreneurship is the backbone of an economy and its sustainability is integral to a country’s development… Read More...[/column]

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Creative Corner

Ron Henry was born on July 28, 1992, to a family of five in the quaint and picturesque community of Choiseul, informally referred to as the art capital of Saint Lucia. Although he is no stranger to local and regional art exhibitions, his first international exhibition was achieved… Read More…[/column]

Trade Information

Did you know that Saint Lucia has been voted World Leading honeymoon destination and Caribbean Leading honeymoon Destination more that fifteen times by World Travel Awards?

If you want that authentic St Lucia Wedding from make-up to cake check out this website: www.simplybeautifulweddings.org

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ASK Anthony

This month’s Ask Anthony features the exportation of Cut Flowers to the EU

    1. Question:

    What are the requirements for cut flowers and foliage to enter the European market?


    Cut flowers and foliage are subject to various legal and non-legal requirements. Satisfying basic buyer requirements and legal requirements is a must for exporters to the European market, but additional efforts also offer opportunities for distinguishing yourself. Phytosanitary requirements as well as product labelling and packaging requirements of buyers should be followed strictly.

    1. Question

    With which legal and non-legal requirements must my product comply?


    When exporting cut flowers to Europe, you must comply with the following requirements:

    1. Plant health

    The EU has laid down phytosanitary requirements to prevent the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants and plant products in the EU. Cut flowers and foliage exported to the EU must comply with the EU legislation on plant health.


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Most flowers imported in the EU must be accompanied by an official ‘phytosanitary certificate’ guaranteeing the phytosanitary conditions of plants and plants products, and also that the shipment has been officially inspected, complies with statutory requirements for entry into the EU and is free of quarantine pests and other harmful pathogens. The current Plant Health directive will be replaced by a new one in December 2019. The new directive will be more stringent than the current one.

  1. Endangered Species – CITES

If you are exporting flowers that are listed as endangered according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (e.g. certain orchids), you have to take specific procedures into account to prove that trade will not be harmful to the survival of the species. If your product is listed as endangered, all exports need to be accompanied by an export permit from your country’s CITES authority and an import permit from the destination Country.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Developing new plant varieties with superior features is often very expensive. The developers of new varieties want their return on the investments. To avoid that just anybody can use these new varieties, they are protected by intellectual property rights (IPR). In recent years, there has been a growing attention for these plant breeders’ rights and illegal products are banned from the market.

Source: CBI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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