Business Month 2017

The third annual Business Month runs throughout November 2017 under the theme “Promoting an Entrepreneurial Culture – Creativity and Innovation”. It is often said that entrepreneurship is the backbone of an economy and its sustainability is integral to a country’s development. Research further suggests that in order for a country to grow and develop socially, financially and economically, it must foster and promote a culture of entrepreneurship.

The Department of Commerce and all its affiliate Agencies are charge with fostering economic growth through commerce. The roles of the Agencies while distinct are intertwined and together form one cohesive unit. Business Month aims to develop the business community and inform the same as well as the general public on the roles and functions of each of the agencies which fall under the Department of Commerce.

See the Exciting calendar of events below: or [otw_shortcode_button href=”” size=”medium” icon_position=”left” shape=”radius” target=”_blank”]Download Business Month Calendar[/otw_shortcode_button]

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