TEPA Newsletter – March/April 2017

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National Brand Review and Reimaging Project

Undoubtedly, achieving export success is a feat which does not happen by chance. Indeed the ability to positively position a country’s products and services in new markets takes strategic planning, insight and strong branding. Understanding this, the Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA)… Read More…[/column]

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The Ultimate Music Advancement Platform

For the music artist working assiduously to leave their mark regionally and internationally, performance showcases, networking opportunities and an understanding of the music business are necessary catalysts to achieving that goal. So from a music artist perspective, participation in last month’s Specialty Caribbean Expo… Read More…[/column]

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TEPA and ITC Market Analysis and Research eCourse

Going global is a big step for many small and medium enterprises (SMEs). After all, taking the decision to export to new markets requires in-depth market research in order to identify existing opportunities and… Read More…[/column]

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Saint Lucia Air Freighters and TEPA  to Improve Exports

St. Lucia Air Freighters is delighted to have partnered with the Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) for the successful hosting of Specialty Caribbean Expo 2017. The opportunities emanating from this event… Read More…[/column]

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New National Export Development Strategy Progress

Earlier this year the Government of Saint Lucia through the Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) secured assistance from Geneva-based International Trade Centre (ITC) to prepare a new National Export Development Strategy (NEDS)… Read More… [/column]

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ASK Anthony

  1. Q: What are Free Trade Agreements? What is the advantage of Free Trade Agreements?A: A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is an agreement between two or more countries where the countries agree on certain obligations that affect trade in goods and services, and protections for investors and intellectual property rights, among other topics. Countries usually incorporate a Free Trade Agreement when their economic structures are similar.The advantage of free trade is that it reduces barriers to exchange so that trade can grow thanks to specialization and divisions of labor. Other benefits include:
    a) Reduce barriers of exchange so that trade can flow.
    b) The creation of jobs: Free trade leads to exporters needing more jobs to fill.
    c) Higher wages: Due to competition, workers can demand higher wages.
    d) Political relationships: Free Trade Agreements lead to improved political standings between countries
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    1. The FDA requests that any shipment of food or feed subject to the “Bioterrorism Act” be notified into the US to determine if the products need to be inspected or not. The prior notification should be done and confirmed to the FDA no more than five days before or less than two hours prior to the arrival of the shipment by land; four hours by railroad; or eight hours if by ship. The required questionnaire and additional information on “Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments” process can be found at (http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/


    1. All goods entering Canada must be accompanied by import declaration forms which are used by Canadian Government inspectors for clearance of foreign goods. Exporters interested in engaging in exporting to Canada must ascertain from their buyer/distributor (s) the respective forms to be completed to ensure ease of entry to the Canadian market. It is imperative that exporters review all regulatory information prior to shipping their products.


Export Tips

  1. Always consult the Plant Quarantine/Produce Inspection Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture for information on the requirements for obtaining the Phyto-Sanitary Certificate to export ornamental horticultural products.
  2. Consult the Bureau of Standards for information on standards, specifications for the product to be exported and recommendations on suitable packaging materials.
  3. Obtain advice from packaging companies regarding the appropriate packaging for your product(s)

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