The Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency led a business mission to Antigua and Dominica. The initiative is one of three missions which aim at exploring and forging business opportunities within the OECS member states. The mission was coordinated by TEPA’s Marketing and Promotion Officer – Gasper George and comprised six Saint Lucian companies namely:
With assistance from the Ministries of Commerce and Trade in Antigua and Dominica respectively, and the OECS Competitive Business Unit in Dominica, a total of 56 constructive meetings were arranged for participating companies. These business to business (B2B) meeting matches included distributors, wholesalers, national banks, government ministries, quasi government agencies and statutory bodies, cooperations and business associations
Business Networking Mixers concluded the mission in both countries. These events allowed for the knowledge sharing and display of Saint Lucian products and Services. Managing Director for Natmed Limited Dr. Carlos Segovia expressed his satisfaction with the mission “The trade mission was a well-organized opportunity to introduce Saint Lucian products to relevant businesses in the respective islands. The Caribbean Blue® Naturals and Natmed Herbals™ products from Natmed Ltd were well received and distributors from both islands expressed interest to distribute the products”.
This sector combined mission approach was a first for TEPA, since being established in 2011. The agency will continue working with the companies in following up with business leads towards strengthening business and export opportunities. The second leg of the mission is earmarked for October and will target Grenada, St. Kitts and Barbados.