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The Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFO Canada) in association with The Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) will host “Exporting to Canada” Seminar on Tuesday November 18, 2014 at the Bay Gardens Hotel from 8:30 am. A Presentation will be made by TFO Canada, the primary Canadian provider of information, advice and buyer contacts for exporters in developing and transition economies. TFO Canada a non-governmental, non-profit organization with headquarters in Ottawa. Read More…
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Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, and Mr. Filippo Ciantia, Africa, Non official Participants, Cluster and Best Practices Director, Participants Division, Expo 2015, on Thursday signed the Participation Contract for the Community’s involvement in the Exposition. Expo Milano 2015 will be held in Milan, Italy, from 1 May-31 October, 2015, under the theme `Feeding the Plant, Energy for Life’.
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The Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) embarked on a mission to the Northern Caribbean Islands of Tortola, St. Maarten and Anguilla. The trade event commenced Sunday October 12, and concluded on Saturday October 18, 2014. The Mission was funded by the OECS Commission, the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) under the 10th EDF Project and supported by the Grenada Ministry of Economic Development, Planning, Trade and Cooperatives and the Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA).
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The Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) in collaboration with Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) will be hosting the final module of the PRONET Training Programme for 2014. This module Export Marketing will be held at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transportation, Union, Castries, during the period November 11th – 13th, 2014.
Trade Missions
TEPA is inviting exporting companies to indicate their interest to participate in the following out-bound Business Trade Missions:
This mission will focus on exploring business opportunities in: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Antigua and St. Kitts /Nevis
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The islands of Dominica and St. Lucia came together on Saturday October 11, 2014 for Canada’s first of its kind Creole event titled, Two Islands: One Culture – A Creole Extravaganza. Attendees from both the Dominica and St. Lucia Diaspora came together in packed house to support this spectacular event. Read more…
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The Government of Commonwealth of Dominica (GOCD) has received financing from the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) towards the procurement of specific washing, packing, sorting and grading equipment for the Dominica Export Import Agency project and intends to apply the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for which this Invitation to Bid is issued. Read More…
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Anthony John, Project Office, Saint Lucia TEPA
1. What are National Tariff Lines?
National Tariff lines (NTL) are the classification codes applied to merchandise goods by individual countries that are longer than the Harmonised System (HS) six digit level. The National Tariff Lines (NTL) can go from 8 digits to 12 digits and are used to classify goods where the Harmonized System classification stops.
2. Why are National Tariff Lines important?
National Tariff Lines (NTL) are important because it enables you (the exporter) to determine what tariff rates will be applied on your product in the target market. It is up to each country to decide how to further classify their products after the six digit level. For this reason, National Tariff Line codes can vary from country to country.
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Market Intelligence provides businesses with an analytical insight view of a market using existing sources of information to understand target markets for products and/or services. It assists the exporter in determining the following:
Today’s dynamic markets require that intelligence be conducted on a continuous basis to keep abreast of market trends and new developments