Sound Diplomacy is a leading music development agency with offices in London, Barcelona, Berlin and representative bases in New Orleans and Mumbai that provides cutting edge research and music-related market expertise to various governments, large organisations and cities. Two representatives from Sound Diplomacy while on island held consultations with key stakeholder agencies and personnel within the public and private sectors.
Throughout their week long visit, Sound Diplomacy also met with a number of groups within the local music industry. These meetings encompassed discussions on a range of areas including the business development and strategy, value chain development and research. This initiative with the music agency will be executed in two phases. Phase one will include thorough market research and assessment including an Economic Impact Analysis and International Market Research geared towards the development of the music Industry and export strategy. Phase two will cater to artiste development; Market Access Development for St. Lucian Artists (Artist and Label Services) and Value Chain Development and international networking.
The result will see the maximisation of the marketability and export of Saint Lucia’s music and artists. The visit targeted artistes, their representatives and entire support structure, which will cater to the development of sustainable, successful careers throughout the industry.