Standards and Quality Recognition

About the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards, SLBS

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) was established under the Standards Act (#14) of 1990, and commenced operations on 01 April 1991. The affairs of the SLBS are directed by a broad based fifteen (15) member Standards Council, which is the policy making body for supervising and controlling the administration and financial management of the SLBS. The Director of the SLBS is the Chief Executive, who manages the day-to-day administration of the institution.

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Functions of The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards

In order to promote the general welfare of the nation, the aims and objectives of the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards are as follows:

  1. To co-ordinate standardization and related activities at all levels (e.g. company, national, regional and international);
  2. To prepare and promulgate national standards;
  3. To promote and encourage the maintenance of standards for the improvement of goods and services processes and practices either produced or used in Saint Lucia.
  4. To promote quality control in industry;
  5. To verify quality through inspection, testing and certification;
  6. To ensure industrial efficiency and development;
  7. To utilize standards to promote trade and safeguard the nation against “dumping” of goods of inferior quality;
  8. To regulate all weights and measures activities to facilitate fair trading activities.
  9. To inform policy makers on all standardization and other relevant technical matters which require policy formulation.