Sedale Simei

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Sedale Simei

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Festivals, Corporate events, Concerts

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Stick On You: Itunes, MVP: Itunes, Fete, Island Riddim: Itunes

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United States, Caribbean

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Sedale’s love for music and the kindling of his desire to express his art through that medium was sparked by his father. As a child, his dad would entertain him with Steel Pan renditions of traditional Calypso tunes from the likes of The Mighty Sparrow, Lord Kitchener, De Invader, De Ashanti and Herb Black. However, due to his academic pursuits it was not until his teenage years that he put his love for music into action.

Following high school in Saint Lucia Sedale moved to the U.S. to study Business Administration at Medgar’s Evers College. There he reunited with some of his old classmates who shared his passion for music; and “Infrared Soundz” – a DJ sound system was formed, quickly becoming one of Brooklyn’s most sought after sound systems.

Being away from home triggered an immense sense of national pride and patriotism; it was evident by how eager Sedale was to share his culture and childhood memories of his beloved Island with anyone who was willing to listen.

Sedale’s love for all types of music was evident, but his innate passion for Soca music propelled him in that direction. He cites Bunji Galin, Machel Montanto, Mr. Slaughter, Bounty Killer, Elephant Man, Tupac and Biggie Smalls as some of his musical influences. In his quest to become a notable Soca artiste, Sedale teamed up with high profile producer Shawn ‘Mastamind’ Noel who produced his first two singles, “Roll Deep” and “Fallen Soldiers (We Missing You)”. In the subsequent years Sedale worked closely with Darence ‘Hitty’ Paul and Leonarde Lestrade to produce songs like ‘Menage a Trois’, ‘Gyal Tek Stab’ and ‘Nah Stop Wining’.

Sedale’s exposure in the Soca industry took a substantial leap when he and longtime friend and fellow artiste Orion formed the ‘Deeper Than Soca’ (DTS) camp. Deeper Than Soca would also evolve beyond only music to one of the most popular movements and clothing lines in Saint Lucia. DTS has grown to be a household name and has gained a vast following.

For the 2014 St. Lucia Carnival Season, Sedale teamed up with Francis ‘Leebo’ DeLima (producer of Rolly Polly) and released Bumper Hunter which was well received by music lovers and partygoers. The season kicked into an even higher gear with the release of the song ‘Pandemonium’ which featured both Sedale and Peter ‘Wildfire’ Noel. It was an instant hit garnering the two artists the coveted People’s Monarch title.

The 2015 St. Lucia Carnival has been Sedale’s most successful year to date. His song ‘Neighbour’ produced by Miguel ‘Migz’ Joseph of Vibez Productionz was one of the most played songs and gained him 2nd place in the Groovy Monarch competition. He also released ‘D’Junction’ also produced by Vibez Productionz, ‘Lawless’ featuring Wildfire produced by Claude Jonas of BCJ Productions and ‘Feelin’ It’

which was written by Trinidadian writing sensation Mr. Vybe and produced by Leebo. Sedale was also featured on Arthur Allain’s ‘Remember Me.’

In addition to a successful year as an artiste, for the first time Sedale and the DTS team ventured into concert promotions and hosted the inaugural ‘Transcend’ which was headlined by Trinidadian artist Lyrikal, the official tour DJ of Machel Montano, DJ Stephen and of course Sedale. Transcend was very well attended and is now expected to be a staple event in the St. Lucia Carnival Season.

With his increasing popularity, Sedale has been able to perform at a multitude of carnivals and events. He has performed in New York City for Labor Day weekend, Dallas Carnival and Miami Carnival to name a few.

Sedale has not stopped! With his undying love and passion for Soca music, his catchy lyrics, unique vocal ability and innovative style, Sedale is poised to take Soca Music to the world.

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Music Samples

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