As the debate rages on about the harmful effects of fossil fuels and other conventional energy technologies on our global environment and climate, renewable energy is constantly lauded as the answer to those burgeoning concerns. Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy, which will yield less of an impact on the environment as compared to currently utilized conventional energy sources. Additionally, while other energy sources are finite, renewable energy sources are infinite, and therefore will not run out.
More and more nations are being urged to invest in renewable sources of energy for the sustainability of the earth. One such international renewable energy promotional initiative is EXPO Astana 2017. Slated for the period June 10 to September 10, 2017, in Astana, Kazakhstan, the exposition will be held under the theme, “Future Energy.” The objective of Expo Astana 2017 is to fuel global discussion among countries, non-governmental organizations, companies and the general public on how access to safe and sustainable energy can be promoted.
Some 100 member-countries and 10 international organizations are expected to take part in Expo Astana over the three-month period. As part of the activities, during the World’s Specialized Exhibition, participating countries will showcase future energy solutions by way of achievements and prospects for utilization of renewable energy sources and the positive environmental, social and economic impact of these solutions.
Saint Lucia, as part of the CARICOM contingent, is expected to be among the 100-member countries and efforts are already on the way in preparation for the island’s participation. To date, 14 Caribbean countries have confirmed their participation.
TEPA believes Saint Lucia’s participation will prove to be highly beneficial. Not only will the island’s efforts in regards to use of future energy be highlighted, but it will also provide a unique opportunity to seek renewable energy funding and investment prospects. Additionally, considering the wide international audience present at the exposition, it will serve as a prime avenue for destination marketing.