Exporters at Sial Canada

sial-canada-boothSIAL, the largest Agri-Food business exposition in North America attracting over 14,000 professional visitors and 800 exhibitors from over 45 countries, including Canada was held on the 28 – 30 April 2015.

Two of Saint Lucia’s leading exporters, showcased products at this year’s trade show in Toronto, Canada.Baron Foods Limited and Viking Traders Limited participated under a combined booth branded “Taste of Saint Lucia”. Participation at SIAL provided TEPA and the exporters the opportunity to show their products to potential buyers/distributors in Canada.

As a lead up to their participation, both exporters were part of a two-day Canada Market Familiarization tour, which was organized by the Trade Facilitation Office of Canada (TFO Canada). Through this initiative, the companies benefited from a comprehensive overview of the Canadian market and were familiarized with the processes and procedures of exporting to Canada. Information was also shared on the import distribution facilities and retail market. This provided participants with an overview and understanding of the Canada grocery supply chain.

TEPA anticipates that strong business opportunities will emanate from this activity in the near future.


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