TEPA’s CEO, Jacqueline Emmanuel-Flood
The Saint Lucia Trade Export Promotion Agency (TEPA) was invited by Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) to attend the second Caribbean Exporter’s Colloquium in Bridgetown, Barbados from November 11 – 12, 2014.
Saint Lucia was represented by TEPA CEO Mrs. Jacqueline Emmanuel-Flood. Mr. Ronald Ramjattan, Chairman of the National Export Council (NEC), CEO of Baron Foods and one of Saint Lucia’s leading regional exporters was also in attendance.
The theme of the Colloquium “Building Economic Resilience in the Caribbean” focused on examining among other issues, the state of regional exports, private sector advocacy, innovation and entrepreneurship, branding and intellectual property protection, key issues affecting competitiveness, the role of alternative energy as a driver for increased competitiveness and opportunities for the Caribbean within the context of the Panama Canal’s expansion.
Ronald Ramjattan, Chairman of the National Export Council (NEC)
The event brought together over 100 leading Caribbean business persons, policymakers, business support organizations, regional and international development organisations and political leaders from all fifteen CARIFORUM countries.
Mrs. Flood believes that such interventions are critical to realizing not only the trade and export goals of TEPA and Saint Lucia but also the extensive goals of our individual exporters as they strive to compete regionally and internationally.