Saint Lucia is well known for its stunning physical beauty. The island is highly regarded as a haven for romance and adventure. These aren’t just claims; Saint Lucia has been featured in several movies and TV shows, including the original edition of ‘Dr. Doolittle’ and American favourite ‘The Bachelor’. To top that off, Saint Lucia has been voted the ‘World’s Leading Honeymoon Destination a whopping twelve times by World Travel Awards.
Tourism remains the backbone of Saint Lucia’s economy but changes in several sectors are promoting diversification, and making Saint Lucia a fantastic place to live, work, or vacation.
Small and medium-sized enterprises define Saint Lucia’s economy. Our economy has also benefited from developments in new businesses and an increasing level of professionalism, transparency, and corporate social responsibility. These factors are key to upholding the values of integrity, efficiency, and transparency – all part of Saint Lucia’s brand.
Exports continue to contribute to Saint Lucia’s economy. Many micro and small enterprises are now shipping out products including plantain chips, water, tissue products, and Saint Lucia sea moss. You can become one of these exporters as well.
Saint Lucia is well-positioned within the Caribbean region, as the largest partner within the new Eastern Caribbean Single Market & Economy. The island remains well connected to major markets within the United States, a benefit to exporters.